你努力学习,让你的大学生涯成为可能. We’re working hard to make personalized education affordable, accessible, 和 achievable.
雷德兰兹的承诺约翰斯顿带来了光明, 有创意的, 和 independent students with a genuine interest in academic 和 civic pursuits. It’s a place where diversity is cherished, ideas are debated, 和 possibilities are explored.
的 Stauffer Center houses all of the University's outst和ing teaching 和 research programs in the sciences, 它的设计反映了跨学科, collaborative mode of teaching at a liberal arts 和 sciences university.
truesdaily中心, 哪家提供语言和听力治疗, provides students studying communication sciences 和 disorders an opportunity to apply what they've learned in a rewarding, community-facing环境.
Housing the Conservatory of Music 和 the Department of 的atre 和 Dance, the 表演艺术学院 offers an interdisciplinary approach to artistic expression. A wide variety of performances allows students to harness their true potential, 为演艺事业打下坚实的基础.
设计为高中和大学之间的学术桥梁 一年级的课程 gives you the opportunity to experience, see, 和 underst和 life from various perspectives. It will also introduce you to the give-和-take style of college classroom discussion.
Our support for Native American students is unmatched by other colleges 和 universities in the Inl和 Empire. 从主张, 导师, 和 scholarships to on-campus Native community events (21 tribal groups reside within 100 miles of our campus), 你将能够体验并加入一个充满活力的, 成长中的土著社区. 了解更多关于NSP的信息.
取得成绩是一回事. 驾驭你的未来是另一回事. To help you 成功的ly transition from student to professional life, the 威尼斯人平台’ 职业和专业发展办公室 offers comprehensive preparation that will give you a real-world edge.
U.S. 滑雪 & 滑雪运动发展协调员乔什·布洛克,03届, ’11 began his career at the U of R 和 now directs all facets of performance for the U.S. 自由式大亨队.